Staking pools
List of currently active staking rewards pools on Linkswap.
Last updated
List of currently active staking rewards pools on Linkswap.
Last updated
Here is a list of staking pools on Linkswap. Most staking pools are "LP staking pools", where you stake your LP tokens to gain additional rewards. In addition to the LP staking pools, there are two single asset staking pools: the aLINK and the Governance Staking pool.
Staking Token
Expiration date*
*) Expiration dates are estimations and might change due to Ethereum mining speed variance.
If you are new to staking LP tokens, then watch the tutorial!
If you don't see the staking pool you staked in earlier, be sure to click the "Show inactive pools" switch here: . If you still don't see your old stake, look in these two links: